Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Russian Ark

Russian Ark 

Russian Ark:
1)Late in 2001, Alexander Sokurov shot Russian Ark in one 90-minute take in St. Petersburg's
    Hermitage Musuem.
2) Sokurov wanted a better image than DV could provide, and HD tape was limited to 52 minutes.
3) Shooting in uncompressed HD feature-length required that the camera feed its data not to tape
     but to a hard drive, which was carried along by the camera crew;
4) they were limited to four tries before they ran out of the experimental,
     unerasable drives, and they got it on the fourth take.

Russian Ark (Alexander Sokurov, 2002):

This is the clip we saw in class Click Here

The making of Russian Ark Click Here

Lots of pictures from Russian Ark Click Here

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