Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The Rise of the Feature Film

The Rise of the Feature Film

1)Part of the move toward longer programs and more prestigious films
    involved increasing the length of the films.
2) In the early years of the twentieth century,
3) feature simply referred to an unusual film that could be featured in the advertising.
4) During the nickelodeon boom, when the one-reel length became standard,
    feature still had the same meaning.
5) But the term also came to be associated with longer films.
6) Before 1909, these were typically prizefight films or religious epics
   and were often shown in legitimate theaters rather than nickelodeons.
7) One exception was The Story of the Kelly Gang 1906
8) an Australian narrative film based on the life of the notorious outlaw,
   Ned Kelly.
9) Released in 1906 and lasting around an hour,
10) it may have been the first feature film in the modern sense.

 In following scene from the film, the gang captures a police camp and starts to eat, when one of their members alerts them that more police are approaching.

The Story of the Kelly Gang (Charles Tait, 1906)
Film Clip   (Only about 15 minutes of the original film exists)

Beginning narration:
The film opens at the Kelly homestead where Ned's mother is at home 

Kate kelly, Ned's sister, overhears troopers discussing the warrant for her brother
Dan's arrest. She rides off to warn him, unaware that Constable Fitzpatrick follows.

Kater arrives home with the news that troopers are planning to arrest Dan. 

Shortly afterwards, Constable Fitzpatrick arrives at the homestead looking for Dan.
Mrs Kelly tries to deter him but he treats her roughly and Kate comes to the rescue. 

Kate holds Fitzpatrick at bay with a loaded gun while the gang escapes

In the Wombat Ranges the gang discuss what they will do next.

At the police camp in the Wombat Ranges, Constables Kennedy and Scanlon have already left in search of a new campsite.

Constables MacIntyre and Lonergan remain behind and shoot parrots for amusement. Their shots alert the Kelly gang who come to see what all the noise is about. 
The police are quickly surrounded by the gang
"Up with your hands, or we fire."
Lonergan is shot and the gang take MacIntyre prisoner. 
"Mind MacIntyre, if you run I'll drive a bullet through you!"

The gang enjoy afternoon tea when Steve Hart rushes back with the news that Kennedy and Scanlon are returning. Ned Kelly tells MacIntyre that Lonergan was shot in self defense.


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