Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Miloš Forman

 Miloš Forman

1) One of the most successful filmmakers of the Czech New Wave was Miloš Forman,
    who went on to work in Hollywood and direct films such as One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)
    and Amadeus (1984).
2) Forman’s film Loves of a Blonde (1965) is one of the best known films of the Czech New Wave.
     It is the story of a young woman who works in a shoe factory. The factory holds a mixer for its largely
      female workforce and soldiers. The girl meets a young man and has a one night stand with him. 

Constantin Parvulescu suggests:

"The themes developed by Loves of a Blonde involve the social perception of sexual relations, pop culture and workers’ alienation in communist Czechoslovakia. Every episode of the film depicts and comments on them. Andula, “the blonde”, is the film’s investigative instrument. She is also, at the same time, a product of her world, a witness and a rebel. Her perspective is one of the multiply oppressed: a runaway child from an abusive family; a young woman exposed to gender prejudice and predatory seduction practices; and a member of a working class administered by a callous managerial and political apparatus...

...Modern jazz informs not only Forman’s perspective on culture and alienation, but also the structure of his film. Forman is known to shoot many miles of footage and spend long hours in the editing room. Loves of a Blonde is a montage of cinematic improvisations organised, like jazz, around certain themes. Its narrative unit is the situation. Characters improvise within this framework like various instruments of a band. Many of these situations can be broken down into gags. There are several such gags reminiscent of early comedy in Loves of a Blonde: the soldiers-getting-off-the-train gag; the wine-bottle gag; the wedding-ring gag; the palm-reading gag; the roll-up-blinds gag; and the three-guys-in-two-beds gag. There are also memorable character improvisations, such as Mila’s “Picasso ramblings” and his mother’s dining-table rants."

Loves of a Blonde (Miloš Forman, 1965):

Guys want to make a move on the girls that seem half interested. The bottle goes to the wrong table... the guy makes the waiter put it to the right table... the ugly girls look sad...they look over gloating.  They get the bottle and want to go... the guys are getting brave to go over there. The girls come over and his wedding ring rolls down the dance hall. the ugly girls know where it went but won't tell him. He finds his ring but a glass of beer runs down his back. 

Part of the scene from class Click Here

Article on the film Click Here

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