Monday, September 14, 2020

Italian Modernism

Italian Modernism - Module 4 9/14/20

 L'Avventura (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1960)

Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Identify modernism in the context of history.
  • Understand the stylistic characteristics of modernism.
Modernism is usually used to describe “art films” between 1950-1980. These films are characterized by a number of things: Modernist films possess pronounced stylistic characteristics that can be overtly attributed to a single auteur (author). If we have difficulty sometimes locating the auteurist flourishes of Classic Hollywood directors like Henry Hathaway or Richard Quine, the modernist directors present explicitly distinct styles. For example, it is difficult not to recognize the distinctive style of Federico Fellini, as we will see a bit later.

Modernist cinema is increasingly reflexive, which means they embrace devices that transcend the “invisible style” of Hollywood. They may break the fourth wall, have the directors playing themselves within the narrative, use editing techniques like jump cuts (i.e. when two sequential shots do not vary more than 30 degrees from one another), use freeze frames, use real time narratives (e.g. Cleo from 5 to 7), and use flashbacks or dream sequences.

Modernist films are usually socially and politically charged, even though on the surface they appear to be stories about people and their lives.
'art films' between 1950-80
Characteristics of Modernist films
1) possess pronounced stylistic characteristics
    these can be attributed to a single auteur (author)
2)The Modernist directors have explicitly distinct styles.
    Fellini for example has an easy to recognize style
3)The theme is increasingly reflexive, they embrace devices that
    transcend the 'invisible style' of Hollywood. For example:
    a) break the fourth wall
    b) have the directors play themselves within the narrative
    c) use editing techniques like jump cuts "when two sequential shots do not
        vary more than 30 degrees from one another"
    d) use freeze frames
    e) use real time narratives "e.g. Cleo from 5 to 7"
    f)  use flashbacks
    g) use dream sequences
4) "Modernist films are usually socially and politically charged, even though on the
     surface they appear to be stories about people and their lives"

Reading: Mast & Kawin, Chapter 13 “Neorealism, The New Wave, and What Followed” (pp. 364-376) in A Short History of the Movies

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