Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Sergio Leone

 Sergio Leone

In the 1960s, a series of Italian "spaghetti westerns" attracted a cult of admirers. Sergio Leone's films in this genre are perhaps the best known. Leone's Once Upon a Time in the West is a major high-budget western that demystifies the genre and casts iconic western hero Henry Fonda as a villain. In the following iconic opening from Once Upon a Time in the West, notice how Leone uses sound to heighten the anticipation of the arrival of Harmonica (Charles Bronson).

Once Upon a Time in the West (Sergio Leone, 1968):

Opening sequence Click Here

You brought two too many Click Here

In class we saw a scene at the ticket booth - with the attendant. 

1) 1960's
2) Cult following of Spaghetti Westerns
3) Sergio Leone is the best known of this genre

Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)

1) A major high-budget western
2) demystifies the genre
3) Cast iconic western hero Henry Fonda as a villain.

Clip for class of  Once Upon a Time in the West: Note
"How Leone uses sound to heighten the anticipation of the arrival 
of Harmonica (Charles Bronson)." The beginning of the film with credits rolling. 

IMDB description A mysterious stranger with a harmonica joins forces with a notorious desperado to protect a beautiful widow from a ruthless assassin working for the railroad.

Once Upon a Time in the West Trailer - click here

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