Monday, November 23, 2020



1)Beginning in the 1960s,
2) many studios were taken over by bigger corporations ran by executives
3) who saw filmmaking as part of their company's business rather than as an artistic pursuit.
4)Media conglomerates, or huge corporations made up of diverse companies began to absorb
    most of the studios. For example,
5) Viacom bought
      a)Paramount and also owned
      c)Showtime, and later
6)That meant Paramount films could play in Viacom owned theaters and later play on
7)Paramount films could then be released on home video at Viacom owned Blockbuster
8) In this way, the studios brought back vertical integration because
9)it was not the studio in charge but the conglomerate, which owned all the companies
    including the studio.

The YouTube channel Generation Films posted the following video essay on how six conglomerates control the majority of mainstream content.

How 6 Companies Control Everything We Watch (Generation Films, 2017):

Click Here for Video Essay

1)Disney tries to buy 21st Century Fox for 52.4 Billion 
    This will shrink the US media conglomerates from 6 to 5. 

6 to now 5 conglomerates:
1) Comcast - largest Media corp in the world. 
    a) Annual revenue of $80.4 billion 
    b)Own Universal
    c) NBC
    d)Comcast/Xfinity - largest service provider in the US
2)Time Warner - $28.1 Billion in annual revenue
    a)Own Warner Brother Studios
    b)DC Comics
    d)Time Warner Cable is the 2nd largest cable provider in the US.
(If Comcast and Time Warner combined they'd own everything - Internet and Cable)
3)Disney Empire
   a)2nd largest media conglomerate in the US
   b)Annual Revenue of $55.1 Billion 
   c)Not the largest, but some of the most high quality franchises. 
   d)And own the soul and children of the galaxy.
   e)Own Lucas Films
   i) Disney Theme Park
4)21st Century Fox
   a)A shadow of it's former glory
   b)Used to be part of News Corporation
   c)Headed by Murdoch
   d)$27.3 Billion Annually
   e) Owns FX
   f) FOX Sports
   g) 21st Century Fox

*Disney tries to buy 21st Century Fox for 52.4 Billion   - If they do they can rival the 
  Comcast Conglomerate in size and also own some of the best films. If it is allowed
   to happen. 

5)National Amusements Alliance
    a)13.8 Billion Annually
    b) CBS
    c) Viacom
    d) Paramont
6) Sony - In Japan
    a)$65.7 Billion Annually - 2nd largest conglomerate in the world. 
    b) Sony Movies
    c) Sony TV
    d) Sony PlayStation

Together they own about 90% of all media in the US
In 1983 the 90pct was owned by 50 companies. 

Positive and Negatives to a consolidated Media Industry
1) Theoretically the available resources can be used in a more efficient manner. 
     lower manufacturer and operation costs.
2) You'll have much more polished entertainment but less choice.
     (Video bloggers personal note : in his building he has to choose between
       Verizon and Comcast which he says are both Scumbags but he has to choose
        one - they have a du-opoly and have teamed up on pricing).
3) Without choices they give you cheap crap that just gets by. 
     a)Look at your Cable box for example - the boxes haven't changed much and even
         when turned off is one of the most power using items in your house. This is
         because cable companies own the cable boxes there are no third party vendors.
     b) This is happening across industries in the US
          b) Amazon buying Whole Foods
          c) Electronic Arts snatches up talented development studios
          d) Boeing
          e) Airline Industry Consolidation
          f) Healthcare Consolidation - fewer choices
4)Not all Bad -- AMAZON
    a)By consolidating all retail in the US 
    b) Provides extremely competitive priced goods for consumers
    c) Because it has so much traffic it even has it's own delivery/network of shipping
        which is always faster and cheaper than traditional shipping companies.
    d) Brick and Mortar stores on the decline - will never recover
    e) Also because Amazon is artificially lowering their prices to destroy their
    f)What if one day it has no competitors and can charge it's own prices and
       delivers by drones making you buy a certain minimum per month. 

CEO's of conglomerates: (he says don't for 1 instance trust them)
1) Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Zuckerberg etc. 
2) To get to where they are you have to be a psychopath
3) Power is born on the bones and dismembered parts of their competitors
4) What separates them from us - It's not skill, intellect, it's not luck. 
     a) They have a killer instinct and lack of empathy
     b) More in common with Charles Manson than Einstein (per blogger)

Who Protects us - The Regulators
1) They are corruptible and can become too powerful and limit the growth of 
     our economy. 
2) They can be neutralized by lobbyists or
3) mandates
4) Consumers can ban together and rebel, 
5) Example - gaming industry: EA and Ubisoft's stock has dropped because of
    their exploitation of gamers. You can boycott then companies that you think are
    run by scumbags (his term)

He closes with "So remember, Life is a movie and you are the protagonist"

Then she shows - Blockbuster Training Video (1990)
Click Here

(You are missing opportunities - you didn't rent her a unit
  shows her hustling customer for videos...Mr. Buster helps her
  add more Sean Connery films - place the films in her hands.

1)Listen to customers - clues

2) How  can bb solve their needs. 

3) Act with goo Customer Service

4) Don't be pushy - but helpful

5) Read top 50 films...

6)" I see an opportunity" - you can BUY the film instead of rent it. 
     All our tapes are for sale! OK - I'll buy it.
7)Make sure to sell to her brother too - with gift certificates!

       Extra article i found on the same topic Click Here

Article about how Comcast is going to cap data now instead of 

unlimited during a time of quarantine and homeschooling Click Here

Comcast raising rates in 2021 Click Here

Warner Brothers in 2021 Opening films on their platform HBO MAX and
Theaters at same time. Huge Blow to Theaters Click Here

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