Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Blair Witch Project

The Blair Witch Project

The Blair Witch Project
1) is a film that generated tens of millions of dollars for Artisan on a investment of less than
   $2 million.
2)Directors Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez produced the film independently     
   for a cost of $60,000 and then sold it to Artisan for just over a million dollars.
3)The film went onto gross nearly $250 million at the worldwide box office and
   even more on video.
4)So even though Artisan didn’t produce the film, they earned 95 times the cost of the film.

Like Paranormal Activity, The Blair Witch Project
1)uses minimal effects to create terrifying environments.
2)The antagonist (demon, witch, ghost) that we do not see is scarier than those we do.
3) In this scene, notice how a horrific setting is created just by shaking a tent
    and playing a sound byte of a baby crying.
4) Obviously, the found footage horror genre has made these effects conventional by
     now...but in 1999 they (and still are) frightening.

The Blair Witch Project (Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez, 1999):

Trailer for Film Click Here

Another Trailer - better one Click Here

The Blair Witch (1999) Best Scenes Click Here
(We saw them exiting the tent scene - for class)

co-Director Eduardo Sanchez Explains top 5 scariest moments Click Here

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