Tuesday, November 24, 2020

For Sale: Studio

For Sale: Studio

 For Sale: Studio
1)The structures of studios changed dramatically during this period.
2)They no longer had permanent staffs of skilled artists like during the studio era.
3)Many filmmakers became freelancers: everyone was hired to work on a specific project.
4)Actors were no longer contracted to a single studio.
5)Films were not produced, distributed, and exhibited by a single studio.
6) For example, a Paramount film could be made by an independent production company
    and purchased for release on video by Paramount.

The YouTube channel Ministry of Cinema produced the following video essay in 2014.
1)The essay highlights how studios radically changed in the 1980s and beyond.
2)Each film in the essay also is identified by studio or production company
   which provides a useful tool to understanding who is producing what in the digital age.

Film History: Contemporary Cinema - Timeline of Cinema (Ministry of Cinema, 2014): (Episode 6)
Click Here for clip for class

Last 20 years - unparalled profit returns. 
more time and energy marketing to intl markets
scripts - less nuanced dialoge, safer films - already established 
predictible hits
13 harry potter and twilight films - amps up sex in each feature.
YA huge market

tv and theatre markets intertwined.
cinema relies on theatre can sustain business model.

european dirs lars von triers - artistic boundaries. Miyazaki best animation.
Yiyi, In the Mood for love. Authentic film. 
audiences demand sexual or violent fulfilment. 
after 1970's out of main stream.
Now birth of digital cinema - tarantino won't do it. cost saving. 
most costs in budget - not camera sag wages, food location and production
3D increase production cost. 
Cinema is not dying due to digital. 
Cinema ever changing arts - alive and changing and will continue to thrive.  

The other films from Ministry of Cinema on the Entire Film History

Introduction Click Here
Episode 1 - Preclassical Cinema Click Here
Episode 2 - Rise of the Studio System Click Here
Episode 3 - Golden Age Click Here
Episode 4 - The Foreign Wave Click Here
Episode 5 - New Hollywood Click Here

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