Monday, November 9, 2020

National Cinemas Post 1968: Russia, Iran, Spain: Film History

 National Cinemas Post 1968: Russia, Iran, Spain: Film History 

Note from teacher:

A video from NTY about Iranian Film - Click Here Click Here

Today Module 13 opens. Cinema from this region of the world may be totally unknown or somewhat familiar to you. Either way I am sure you will find compelling and moving material in this week's module.

Iranian film Taste of Cherry (Abbas Kiarostami, 1997)

The movie has some of Kiarostami’s unmistakable mannerisms:
1)He is always fascinated by extended conversations in cars,
2)conversations which happen in a space which is neither entirely public nor entirely private,
3)and so can reveal more about the speaker than at first appears. (The Guardian)
Click here for Guardian article on Kiarostami

I know the past week has been especially intense and difficult to focus.
If helpful I have extended your access to Module 12 Quiz and Discussion until Wednesday.

I know I have been slow to grade your work and truly apologize. Hold me to my promise to substantially catch up this week. Those of you who have messaged me about anything know that I am eternally "around" and responsive.

Be well and take good care, 


Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Identify the characteristics and major figures of the postwar cinemas of Russia, Iran, and Spain.
  • Compare the styles of classic Italian neorealism and postwar Iranian cinema.

To-Do List

To meet the objectives of this module, you will complete the following activities and assessments:

  1. Reading: Mast & Kawin, Chapter 16 "National Cinemas 2: 1968- (pp. 559-575) in A Short History of the Movies
  2. Read/Watch Module 14 Pages/Clips
  3. Watch Taste of Cherry
  4. Complete Discussion: National Cinemas Post 1968: Russia, Iran, Spain

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